Tegai-mon Gate

Todai-ji Temple | Tegai-mon Gate |

Located in the northwest of the Todai-ji Temple precincts and to the west of the Shosoin Repository, Tegai-mon is an imposing gate with a slightly arched roof supported by eight thick columns.

In its history, Todai-ji suffered two major battles in 1180 and 1567 and lost most of its main buildings in a fire. The Tegai-mon Gate was one of the few structures that survived. Although it was extensively renovated during the Kamakura period (1185 to 1333), it is the only structure that has retained the essence of Todai-ji Temple when it was first built 1,300 years ago.

The straight road leading from this gate to the west, which we still see today, connected the temple directly to Heijokyo Palace. Another road running north-south in front of the gate was an arterial road to Kyoto. Therefore, the gate is considered to have played an extremely significant role in welcoming important people, including those from the Imperial Court, to the temple.


The gate is fenced off and you cannot enter it, but you can get closer to it at any time.
406-1, Zoushi-cho, Nara City 630-8211 Japan


* You are always asked to check information on the official website before you visit.
(Official Todai-ji Temple website)

Last updated: May 14, 2024

Text by: Yumi

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